Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Great Great Grandpa Obucina's Rocker

This is a rocking chair that came from my Grandma and Grandpa Cook's house. My MaBa and Uncle used to ride it. Here my Uncle Jeffery shows me to ride.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sunday, August 30, 2009

9 Months

Zach saw his doctor for his 9 month visit this week. Here are the stats:

Weight 23 lbs 10 ox (90th %-ile)
Length 29 1/4 inches (90th %-ile)
Head circumference 18 3/4 inches (95th %-ile)

The pediatrician always begins the visit by asking us to brag about what Zach is doing. We told him that he loves to feed himself. Now he is able to wrap his little hands around the bottle, and even hold it in one hand. When he sees mom or dad he squeals, waves both hands in the air and bobs up and down. He did this last week when mom arrived to pick him up at day care, and she fell in love all over again! He has 6 teeth, but really does not like to eat baby food. He has a steel trap mouth with expert dodging skills. Mom asked a friend how she got her son to eat- she said, "Well we just sent the food to day care and let them figure it out!" So how is that going? The food containers return home empty. In the mean time we are experimenting with normal table food. He has had cantaloupe, watermelon, crackers and green beans. On the mobilization front Zach gets very frustrated, well aware that he want to move. He scoots. On his bottom when sitting up. Around 360 degrees. Toward an object. He can get on all fours, but as soon as he tries to lunge forward he is flat on his tummy. This is not at all bad, in fact this strategy was used to reach mom's diet pepsi this week. Mom found Zach lying in a puddle of soda, splashing his hands and giggling. We refer to it as our first crawling incident. Zach loves to stand, and is working hard to pull himself up. The doctor suggested we not pull him up anymore, allowing him to get stronger. Now Zach is very offended by this. He looks up at us, sticks out his bottom lip as to say, "Now why are you doing this to me!" Other times when he is very pleased with us he will offer a proud "High Five!" Each time he smacks our hand we shout BAM! Which always leads to a stream of giggles. Now we are working on clapping. Now we have not forgotten about our big kid, Smokey. His favorite pastime is attacking the baby bottles. It is a constant task to remember to keep them out of his reach. In the meantime Dr. Brown's is making a small fortune (at $6 per bottle!) Zach knows Smokey by the jingling of his collar. He is always looking for him after hearing the sound. Zack loves to pet Smokey, and Smokey loves to give kisses. Especially when there is milk involved!

To summarize Zachary at 9 months, he is a passive soul who delights in the smallest things. He is keenly aware of his surroundings and appears surprisingly thoughtful for his age. Zach has a sense of humor, using his words and expressions to draw in then crack up any who will catch his spell. He loves to be with mom and dad but instead of being held prefers sitting or standing close in a position to absorb the world with their protection. He loves to sleep, loves to swim, loves to dance. He is absolutely impossible to resist!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekend Mission

It was a fine weekend. No hospital responsibilities. Mommy was on a mission with two main objectives:

1. Capture a photo of the adorable five teeth sprouting in Zach's mouth (great job Grammie you got the perfect one!)


2. Find this kid some shoes. He wants to step by himself all of the time, and when he does he emits this deep belly laugh. He looks up with big eyes, beautiful eyelashes, and the toothy grin, utterly satisfied with himself. It won't be long before he is walking! In case you fear you missed something (like crawling) you didn't...... he's working on that too.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Big Boy Seat

So we are transitioning out of the baby carrier. Little Zach is growing by leaps and bounds. I am not sure how much he weighs, but it is probably close to the 30 lb limit on his baby seat. We have the next stage car seat, but it seems enormous. Zach likes it okay. So this one is good up until 100 lbs. Someone please help me here. Won't he be like 10 years old when he weighs 100 pounds?!??

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I did it!

Celebrating today meeting my HUGE goal. Amazing I lost 74 pounds. Five dress sizes. Twenty inches. So maybe the 6 inches off the bust do not really count- but in my book they do! Body fat percentage minus 5%!

Eating 1300 calories a day, exercising 2-3 times per week. Just enough caffeine, just enough alcohol.

So although I am not as strong as before, I am well on my way.

Before and after photos have been requested..... we'll see.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Best Friend

Is it possible to have a relationship with someone you have never met? If so then this would be the case. From the time they were the size of a poppy seed our hopes and dreams for Zach and Owen were woven together. As they grow they bring so much happiness to our lives. A special kind of joy to see two little beings, sprouting on their own trajectory, fulfill our dream: to be parents.

Owen gives Zach kisses

Introducing little O

Our guys

Monday, July 6, 2009

You make the call

So the doctor says Zach has a funny shaped head. Something about laying on his back too much. I suppose we are bad parents for letting that happen. But then nature v. nuture makes a statement. Could it be that he simply has the same noggin' as his Grandpa? Here is the evidence- you make the call.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Drool Meister

We had a special discovery over the weekend, a tooth! It is a lower one in the center slightly to the left. He hasn't been fussy, but as expected tries to chew on everything. He absolutely loves the frozen teething ring. What fun.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Itai turns FIVE

It is becoming a tradition. Celebrating the 4th of July in St. Louis. Itai (Yuda's American boy) was born on 7/4/2004. Last year we were all there (Zach en utero) for Itai's Golden Birthday. At the time Noa was almost one, what a difference this year as she clearly has her own personality and can really express herself. Reminiscent of birthday parties in Detroit when I was a child the kids were all together, like cousins. Fitting as Itai and Noa call me Tia- a nickname that I love.

Here are the kids- so adorable.

How about a Mom who can shrink and bake? This special baseball cake was homemade.

This mommy knows how to cuddle, can't supress the giggles.

I miss St. Louis. This is why.

A robot arm! Most perfect present EVER!

Noa (23 mos) and Zach (7 mos)