So how to pass the time? We spent the day relaxing, napping, watching Season 6 of 24, taking walks around the block- and tonight celebrating!
The final belly picture..... 39 weeks. Do you think it is a 50 pound baby?
It will be a big day tomorrow- there is a reason they call it labor I suppose.
I feel grateful that the testing on Thursday suggests a healthy baby. Grateful I was able to work until the end. Grateful for the last two weeks of rest.
A new beginning for a little person whose name will be Zachary Alexander- a new life. What an amazing birthday gift!
Can't wait to meet you, Zach! You have the coolest parents!
Zach, you are one loved little guy. Happy birthday to you and congratulations to your wonderful family!
Dearest Zachary,
Already you are loved beyond measure. We are ready to welcome you to the world!
Love, Grammie and Grandfather Peura
Zach,just thinking of you makes us smile! Your Mom, Dad and Smokey are ready. It is amazing how much joy you have brought to our family while waiting for your arrival. We love you tons! Grandma and Grandpa Cook
Who ate the cupcake? Mrs. Cook's
1st Grade Changing Familes Group
Zachary is one beautiful baby!!!!!
I am so happy for you and Brian, and of course Smokey too. You make such a beautiful family. Happy Birthday to Zachary & Happy Thanksgiving.
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