Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Practice what you preach.

I must admit. My diet was not the healthiest during this pregnancy. In my defense there was a lot going on- and eating my most primal coping mechanism. Now it is time to pay the piper. Baby weight? No not exactly- it is Ben & Jerry's, cafeteria pizza and office party cake weight.

Even before Zach was born I checked out the local Weight Watchers and picked out my meeting time.

I feel a little like a spy. For years I have been counseling patients on smoking cessation and weight loss. Now I sit in the back of the classroom and hear others share their stories. One woman finally joined after her cardiologist insisted. Within 6 months and 20 pounds she no longer needed her blood pressure or diabetes medicines. A man has lost 60 pounds and continues to lose 2-3 pounds per week. Everyone worships him- I even found myself asking, "So Joe how do you figure out what to eat when you eat at a restaurant?" No I haven't let anyone know that I am a doctor, or a cardiologist. I am enjoying the anonymity for now.

So for now it is all about the points. Keeping with the program, maintaining patience with slow steady progress.

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